Saturday, October 18, 2014

Vaibhav’s 1st Goals for 2014-15

My first goal for this year is to get on the honour roll. I want to get on the honour roll because I will feel really proud when I do. If I want to be on the honour roll, I have to do a lot of things. I have to:

1.       Stay focused

2.       Be organized

3.       Stay positive

4.       Do everything with the best of my ability

5.       Study
 My parents will be very proud of me if I do make it. I really wan to make it but I know it will not be easy. hopefully I will because I always do the things that I listed above.

My second goal is to always remember and do my homework and assignments on time. I have never handed in an assignment late and I probably never will. I always do my homework and I hope it will stay like that. All my assignments are done with the best of my ability. I never plan on handing in an assignment or anything late. That is my second goal.

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