Monday, October 20, 2014

Fiorella Amenta's first blog post

       Goals for Grade 7

   My two goals for grade 7 are to get on the honour roll. To get on the honour roll, i have to get high marks in school constantly and improve learning skills. To get high marks in school I have to work and study hard. Reading can also improve my study skills, because i have to understand the book. To help my studying, i can make flashcards or write lost of useful notes. Another way to get on the honour roll is to be very organized. When i am organized, i get things to school on time and getting a mark for doing my homework.

My second goal for the grade 7 school year is to improve my sport skills. To do that i can join sport teams in the school or listen really well in gym class so that maybe one day i can join the sport on an actual team. Sports are a really good exercise for your body, and it keeps you healthy. Sport teams show lots of teamwork and cooperation. It also helps with good sportsmanship and encouraging others. 

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