Monday, October 20, 2014

Ryan's Grade 7 Goals

     My first goal for grade 7 is to make the honour roll. I can achieve this goal by managing my time well for homework and studying. I can also take notes in class and practice my skills every night. I can also go to study hall and get a good night's sleep every night. If I have a question or don't understand something, I will go to the teacher and ask. I can make sure to stay on task and paying close attention in class. Reading will also help me to succeed in school.

My second goal for grade 7 is to make the grade 7 competitive boys basketball team. I can achieve this by practicing my shooting and dribbling skills every chance I get. I can try my hardest in my practices and games in and outside of school. I can do something where I jump and record how high I jump, and every day I have to jump higher than I did the previous day. If I do this, then my basketball skills will improve, and I will be able to make it onto the grade 7 competitive basketball team.

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