Thursday, October 16, 2014

Akara Adelino-Roux's first blog post

My Goals For the School Year 2014

Akara Adelino-Roux 7-A

     My two goals for this year are to get perfect attendance, and to get good grades. To get perfect attendance I have to get up early in the morning around six o'clock, get ready and eat my breakfast. I can also have time slots for the morning. Being organized helps me to be able to be on time, because I won't have to be rushing around, and I won't forget anything at home. This will help me be able to get dropped off at school on time, so I won't be late.If I never be late for my classes and I am never absent I can get perfect attendance this year.

     Being on time for school can also help me get good grades at school. I will be at school on time, and because of that I won't miss any class. In class I will be able to get the directions for the homework or the info about a test. That way I will be prepared for any upcoming things. If I am ready I'll most likely get better grades. One of the reasons is that I will be able to study for tests and have my homework done for homework checks. I will try my hardest this year to get good grades, because it will help me on the way for my biggest goal, to become a vet. Getting good grades in school all the way to high will help get into vet school. It will improve my chances of getting in, because they accept a lot of really good students. I will personally strive for my best this year.

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