Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My goals for grade 7
My goal for this school year is to get on the honour roll. I can get on the honour roll by doing my homework, studying for test and doing well on my projects. I want to get on the honour roll because I want to improve my marks for this school year and I want to get better in all my classes this year.  The one class I want to really improve on is social studies.
http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=HN.608047595674732140&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0My second goal is to improve in sports. I can improve in sports by trying out for the sports they have this year, practicing and doing well in gym. The one sport I want to really improve in is basketball. I want to improve in basketball because it is my favourite sport. Those are my grade 7 goals.

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