Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My Gr.7 goals (Earl 7A)

My gr.7 goals
   My first goal for gr.7 is to pass the grade and have fun doing it, with my friends, as well as get good marks. I hope to achieve this goal by spending time with my friends, study, and use my time wisely .I would also need to get good marks on tests, homework, and assignments, as well as pay attention during class, so that i know what I'm doing. During class I could take notes (possibly) if anything interesting comes up. If I do all these things , then I'll pass gr.7 easily. 


    My second goal is to get better in basketball  so that I can participate and work better in this school's competitive basketball team. To achieve this goal I would practice if I have time and if possible. I plan to practice in the summer so that I can have some free time, and maybe get a basketball net of my own, to practice on. Then with a lot of work and practice, I can get better.


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