Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Michael's First Blog Post

                                                   Michael's First Blog Post

 My 2 goals of the school year are:

~ To get onto the schools Honour Roll,

~ And to get an athlete award in Phys. Ed.

     My first goal is to be on the Honour Roll. To get onto the schools Honour Roll, I have to pay attention in class, follow my teachers instructions, and study hard. I need to finish my homework, assignments, projects, and tests. I can go to Study Hall to review my subjects, so I won't be clueless when I have a pop quiz or something like that.

     My second goal is to get an athlete award in Phys. Ed. To get an award in Phys. Ed, I have to play a lot of sports and be good at them. I can practice playing basketball, volleyball or track at home. This goal is not as important to me as the first one, but I still want it to happen.

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