Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Alyssa's grade7 goals

Alyssa's Grade 7 Goals

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhykcn7An4aBfgby8y7JMlY1ny61LBzua1u1sz7kWnwyvgG3vySU4iwMa_mSJKLfKaeVWGA0We1ELEdY8QVhhc1PabLHf0oWCPv8c02_puljvU9wKuJR9SZPlZagPvAPagaRnnZ70G7LyPL/s1600/honourroll.gifMy first goal is to try to get on to the honour roll. Some ways I can achieve this goal is by if I have a question about something I would ask the teacher so I don't do it wrong, go to study hall, study lots, even if I don't have homework still study the things I learned so far, get a good night sleep so I’m not tired at school, stay on task in class, read lots,

My second goal is to keep everything organized like my locker and my binders. To keep my locker organized I would try not to just throw everything in it and use a locker shelf and other things to keep it organized and to keep my binders organized I would use dividers and don't just stuff papers in it put the divider that it goes in.

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