Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Derek's first blog post

My goals of grade 7

Derek 7A

Here are my 2 goals.
My first goal of the year is to get honor roll. I would like to get on the honor roll because I want to make my parents proud and I want to improve my self-confidence. I can achieve my goal by studying harder and staying organized. I can also achieve honor roll by completing assignments on time and handing in my homework on time.  I am also going to try to get over 80% on tests in quizzes.

My second goal is to stay organized, I would like to stay organized because it would make my life a lot easier. I can stay organized by throwing out unneeded papers, and putting my papers in my dividers. I can also stay organized by keeping my locker clean. My second goal is not as important as my first one, but I will still try hard to stay organized.
Those are my grade 7 goals.

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