Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My Grade 7 Goals
1.   My first goal for grade 7 is to get on the honor roll. I am going to get the honor roll by getting good marks and having fun too. I want to pass social studies, science, ELA, ICT, French , math, and other subjects .What I really want to pass is science. I want to finish my homework in the evening so then I can help my parents and my siblings. If I am doing my homework in class, that means I can finish faster. I want to do notes so then I can study for tests and quizzes. That is my first goal for this year.

 My second goal is to be respectful to others and myself. What I am saying is I need to treat others how I want to be treated. I want to be successful too. That is how I want the school year to be. I do not want to get an infraction because then, I lose marks and that is bad. In grade 9, I want to join badminton because that’s my favorite sport. I want to read this book called the finisher. It’s a really interesting book. I recommend you read this book. Those are my goals this year.

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