Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Khushee's First Blog Post

                   My Goals

My first goal is that I want to get on the school's honor roll. To achieve my goal, I will have to work really hard on everything I do. I will put all my effort in it and never leave my assignments and projects till the last minute. I will study hard for my tests and quizzes, and try to get good marks in everything I do.

 My second goal is to never loose or damage my textbooks. I want to return them in the same condition I got them in. To achieve my goal I will have to take care of them all the time. I will always put my textbooks in the right binder (eg. Math textbook in Math binder) and never leave them somewhere they might get trampled    (eg. the hallway). I will never draw or write in/on my books.

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