Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Claire's First Blog Post

Claire's First Blog Post

topic: My two goals this school year 
  my first goal for this school year is to be on the school's honor roll, i am going to achieve my goal by doing all my homework and assignments, be organized, and getting good marks on tests and quizzes.i want to be on the honor roll because i want my parents to be proud of me.


my second goal for this school year is to be organized, to achieve this goal i have to put all my notes in order in my binders, put all my homework or assignments in my homework binder, and 

keep my locker clean.

ekkneet's goals

My goals 
My goals for this year are getting on the honor roll and getting good marks in band .I will accomplish my first goal by studying harder for tests, being prepared for every class, doing my homework, paying attention in class, handing in assignments on time and going to study hall.
 I will accomplish my second goal by practicing everyday for an hour, doing my homework for band, making sure I know the notes for my instrument and being prepared for class.

My Grade 7 Goals
1.   My first goal for grade 7 is to get on the honor roll. I am going to get the honor roll by getting good marks and having fun too. I want to pass social studies, science, ELA, ICT, French , math, and other subjects .What I really want to pass is science. I want to finish my homework in the evening so then I can help my parents and my siblings. If I am doing my homework in class, that means I can finish faster. I want to do notes so then I can study for tests and quizzes. That is my first goal for this year.

 My second goal is to be respectful to others and myself. What I am saying is I need to treat others how I want to be treated. I want to be successful too. That is how I want the school year to be. I do not want to get an infraction because then, I lose marks and that is bad. In grade 9, I want to join badminton because that’s my favorite sport. I want to read this book called the finisher. It’s a really interesting book. I recommend you read this book. Those are my goals this year.