Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Literature Circles E.L.A.

Hello, everyone! My name is Rohan and I am here to talk about Literature Circles, also knows as Lit Circles for short. Lit Circles are meetings about certain books to encourage thoughtful discussion and a love of reading in young people. Here is an overview of what a Lit Circle really is; small groups of students gather together to discuss a piece of literature in depth. The discussion is guided by students' responses to what they have read. You may hear and talk about events and characters in the book, the author's craft, or personal experiences related to the story. Literature circles provide a way for students to engage in critical thinking and reflection as they read, discuss, and respond to books.  It is a way of increasing a student's interest in books because socializing and education are mixed into one category, Lit Circles! As Mrs. Sosnowski's Grade  7 E.L.A. students, we are all divided into groups of 5's and 6's, with each group reading and responding to a different book based on interests and reading levels. Each book is divided into six sections, with each section being a different amount of pages. For every section, there is a meeting, every Monday and Thursday. For every section, we are supposed to write a summary about what we read and we are asked to answer a teacher question, varying for every section. Everyone also has jobs to complete about the section, and the jobs are the following: Discussion Director, Word Wizard, Character Analyzer, Story Mapper/ Predictor, Connector/Travel Tracker, and Researcher. My group consists of me, Ryan, Zayda, Yeji, and Michael, and we are reading the book called "Now is the Time for Running". I find Lit Circles to be interesting, and I think it is a unique way of expressing ideas. Thank-you for viewing my blog and listening to what I had to say.

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