Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Derek's band post

Hello class 7A, my name is Derek.

Today I am going to talk about band class. In band class we are still learning how to play our instruments properly. We have 3 flutes, 2 trumpets, one percussionist and me. I play the trombone and the violin.We are also learning about the composers of the songs we are playing. Some composers include: Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Dvorak and many other composers. We also learn about the different notes in music. The length of a note is measured in 1 beat. A note with 1 beat would be called a quarter note. A note with 2 beats would be a half note, and a note would be 4 beats. These are just the basic beats, it gets too complicated after this.

The instrument I play in band is the trombone. It is a relatively large instrument with a slider. Too play the instrument, you do not blow into the mouthpiece, but you vibrate your lips inside the mouthpiece to play. To play different notes, you must slide the slider to a specific location to play the note. Too play higher notes, you will make a smaller but faster vibration with your lips To play lower notes, you must make a wider but slower vibration with your lips.

In band class we play multiple songs, which includes: Forrest Gump, Irish Pippers, We will Rock You and many other songs. In band we also practice playing scales and more complicated notes. Our band class usually consists of 3 parts. First, we play our scales. Second, we play our pieces from our book, and third we play our score music.

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