Saturday, January 24, 2015

Grammar in ELA
     In ELA we are learning about grammar. Grammar is basically the rules and structure of a language. Of course, in ELA we are learning about grammar in the English language, but grammar is in every language.
First, we learned about nouns. Nouns are person places or things. In the sentence, “Miss Teetaert is my ICT teacher”, Miss Teetaert, ICT, and teacher are all nouns. Another way to say noun, would be subject. There are two types of nouns: proper and common. Common nouns are things that are very general like school or boy. Proper nouns are directed especially toward a thing such as St. Maurice or Jeff. They always have a capital letter at the beginning of them.
     Pronouns are words that replace nouns. ‘’he” would be the pronoun if we wanted to replace “Bob”. Other pronouns could be they, she, you etc...
After we learned about nouns, we learned about verbs or predicates. Verbs are actions that someone or something does. In the sentence, “I ate my apple”, ate would be the verb.
There has to be a way to describe nouns and verbs, so we use adverbs and adjectives. An adverb describes the verb. In the sentence, “He ran very fast”, run would be the verb and fast would be the adverb because it described the way he ran. Adjectives describe nouns. In the sentence, “The car is black”, black would be the adjective and car would be the noun because the car is the thing and black describes the way the car is.
That's all I have to say for grammar so here's a short video that I thought you guys might enjoy.
 Thanks for listening to my blog post!!!


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