Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Gym low organized games

  Good morning 7A

    In our gym class, the subject we are learning but mostly playing is low organized games. In this unit we basically play games and do some conditionings such as weight lifting and running. the last game we played in this unit was capture the flag dodge ball, this game was invited by our gym teacher. the games is like dodge ball but there are flags on each side. Once you passed the side to grab a flag it is no more dodge ball, it turns into tag. My favorite game was bench ball. I was one of the tallest so it was easy for me.


  the way you play and set up bench ball is you take benches and opposite of the gym. One you have that you can pick a player form your team to go and stand on the bench. people from your team have to throw the ball at the player on the bench, if the player on the bench catches the ball  you get to help him catch and join him on the bench, once your whole team is on the bench you win.


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