Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Social Studies - Industries

   In social right now, we have been learning about industries. An industry is an economic activity that processes raw materials, manufactures goods in factories, and then sells it. There are three categories of industries. These categories are:

1. Primary Industries
  Primary industries are the first step in making goods. Primary industries are the businesses that take raw materials and turn them into semi-finished goods. For example, one of these businesses can send out their men to cut down the trees with their technology. Now, the trees are semi-finished goods. They get sent to processing plants to become finished.

2. Secondary Industries
  Secondary industries are the second step. They take the semi-finished goods and turn them into finished goods that can be sold in stores. When the wood gets to the processing plant, they then take the wood and turn in into wooden planks. The wooden planks are now ready to be sold in stores.

3. Tertiary Industries
   Tertiary industries are sales and services. They help you use and enjoy manufactured goods. When the wood gets to the store, it can be sold. Services could be things like hair salons car repairs, or government services. They help you enjoy goods.

 Tertiary industries can be separated into two categories. The first category is tertiary, and the other category is called quaternary industries.

4. Quaternary Industries

  Quaternary industries are industries that deal with ideas and information. The people who work in quaternary industries are knowledge workers. They get paid for their ideas. People who work in this industry include teachers, bankers, and nurses.

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