Wednesday, November 26, 2014

ELA (short stories)

ELA (short stories)
Papa's parrot
In ELA we are reading short stories. The short story i decide to do is Papa's Parrot. This story is about a  boy named Harry who always visited his dad's candy shop with his friends when they were little. But once Harry and his friends got into juinor high they stopped coming around to his dad's candy shop. That made Harry's dad very lonely and sad. So Harry's dad got a parrot and named it Rocky. Rocky keeps Harry's dad company. Harry's dad would talk to the parrot and they would watch t.v shows. One day Harry's dad fell and got hurt and he had to go to the hospital. There was no one to watch Harry's dads shop so Harry said he would watch his dad's shop. When Harry got to the candy shop he started to clean up and then he seen the parrot. The parrot started saying "Where's Harry? Miss him! Miss him!" Harry started getting really sad because he realized that someone has been saying that for a long time. Then when Harry was done at the shop he went to go visit his dad. 

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