Wednesday, November 26, 2014


     This school year, we are learning calligraphy; we have just started it so it is a little difficult. But here are some facts about it. Calligraphy is a Greek word that means “beauty” and “writing”. Calligraphy is a visual art that’s related to writing, all though most of you know that already. Calligraphy was used and is still sometimes used for wedding Invitations, an invitation to a special event, cut stone inscriptions, and memorial documents. It was also used as props in movies and TV shows too. Classical calligraphy differs from typography and non-classical hand-lettering, though a calligrapher may practice both. Calligraphy is usually meant for right-handed people but left-handed people may do it as well although it may be more challenging.
Francisco 7A

Blog post #3- French Class

November 25, Akara 7A
Blog Post #3 French Class

This year in French class we are learning about verbs. Right now, we are learning, the verbs, Sortir and Partir. The verb Sortir means to go out, and the verb Partir means to leave. These verbs can help you asks questions about where someone is going or when they're leaving. The difference between sortir and partir is that partir is to leave, and sortir is to go out. One is going somewhere, while the other is arriving.

These are two very important verbs, because you will use these verbs a lot in everyday life. You will need to know these verbs when you are telling someone where you are going, or when you are leaving. Another reason these verbs are important is, because it will be impossible to learn French if you don’t understand the basic concepts, such as verbs. You need to learn the grammar to fully understand a language. Learning the verbs Sortir and Partir will help you a lot in your life.


 Partir= to leave
JE, TU= Pars
IL, ELLE, ON, QUI=  Part
NOUS= Partons
VOUS= Partez
ILS, ELLES= Partent

 Sortir= to go out
JE, TU= Sors
NOUS= Sortons
VOUS= Sortez
ILS, ELLES= Sortent

ELA (short stories)

ELA (short stories)
Papa's parrot
In ELA we are reading short stories. The short story i decide to do is Papa's Parrot. This story is about a  boy named Harry who always visited his dad's candy shop with his friends when they were little. But once Harry and his friends got into juinor high they stopped coming around to his dad's candy shop. That made Harry's dad very lonely and sad. So Harry's dad got a parrot and named it Rocky. Rocky keeps Harry's dad company. Harry's dad would talk to the parrot and they would watch t.v shows. One day Harry's dad fell and got hurt and he had to go to the hospital. There was no one to watch Harry's dads shop so Harry said he would watch his dad's shop. When Harry got to the candy shop he started to clean up and then he seen the parrot. The parrot started saying "Where's Harry? Miss him! Miss him!" Harry started getting really sad because he realized that someone has been saying that for a long time. Then when Harry was done at the shop he went to go visit his dad. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Social Studies - Industries

   In social right now, we have been learning about industries. An industry is an economic activity that processes raw materials, manufactures goods in factories, and then sells it. There are three categories of industries. These categories are:

1. Primary Industries
  Primary industries are the first step in making goods. Primary industries are the businesses that take raw materials and turn them into semi-finished goods. For example, one of these businesses can send out their men to cut down the trees with their technology. Now, the trees are semi-finished goods. They get sent to processing plants to become finished.

2. Secondary Industries
  Secondary industries are the second step. They take the semi-finished goods and turn them into finished goods that can be sold in stores. When the wood gets to the processing plant, they then take the wood and turn in into wooden planks. The wooden planks are now ready to be sold in stores.

3. Tertiary Industries
   Tertiary industries are sales and services. They help you use and enjoy manufactured goods. When the wood gets to the store, it can be sold. Services could be things like hair salons car repairs, or government services. They help you enjoy goods.

 Tertiary industries can be separated into two categories. The first category is tertiary, and the other category is called quaternary industries.

4. Quaternary Industries

  Quaternary industries are industries that deal with ideas and information. The people who work in quaternary industries are knowledge workers. They get paid for their ideas. People who work in this industry include teachers, bankers, and nurses.