Thursday, December 4, 2014

Daksh Brar 7A

 In science we are learning about energy, the three states of matter, thermal energy, and cogeneration. The word energy means the capacity to do work. There is energy in motion called kinetic energy and there is energy called potential energy that is always in position. An example of kinetic energy is a ball falling off a cliff. An example of potential energy is a ball sitting still.

The three states of matter are gases, solids, and liquids. An example of a gas is oxygen (what we breathe). A solid can be ice, a desk, wood etc. A liquid could be water or any other type of fluid like water.

Thermal pollution is accidental warming of the atmosphere. An example of thermal pollution is buildings, cars, or anything man made that gives off some sort of heat. Cogeneration is using heat waste from one industry to solve a problem in another. An example is cooling water from a power plant that can be used to warm a greenhouse.


In math we have been learning about angles. In angles we learnt about  Parallel lines(two lines on a plane that never meet), Perpendicular lines(lines that are at right angles (90°) to each other), Bisectors(the line that divides something into two equal parts), and Line segments (the part of a line that connects two points).

The Breadwinner

The Breadwinner
By Deborah Ellis
 In ELA class, we are reading the book called “The Breadwinner.” This book takes place in Afghanistan. It is about a family who live in a small, one room apartment, and their only source of income is from Parvana’s father’s job as a reader and writer. When her father is arrested by the Taliban for no apparent reason, the family no longer has anyone to make money and buy food. Parvana’s older sister and mother cannot go into the market because the Taliban have restricted women from going outside without a male escort, and her mother also can’t do anything because she is depressed that she cannot get her husband back.
      Parvana is young enough to go into the market and but food, so they made her go out. Unfortunately, a Talib sees Parvana and hits her. She runs home and bumps into her old P.E. teacher. She comes home with them and she cheers up her mother. The two of them make a plan to turn Parvana into a boy so that she can go out into the market. The next day, they cut her hair and make her wear her dead brother’s clothing. She goes out into the market and nobody suspects a thing. She sets up her father’s stall and continues to sell things. The family is now doing much better, and is less sad about their dad’s arrest. That is about how far we have gotten in the story.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

ELA short story The Cemetery Path by Leonard Q. Ross Lana Domozhyrov

ELA Short Stories: The Cemetery Path By: Lana Domozhyrov

In ELA, we are reading short stories. The short story I picked was The Cemetery
                                                                                         It took place in Russia and it was

                                                                                                      written by Leonard Q. Ross.

The short story is about a man named Ivan

. Everyone made fun of him and mocked him.

They gave him the title ‘Ivan the terrible’ and

called him pigeon because he was small and

timid. Ivan would never cross the cemetery

path because he was terrified. He would never

take it, even in the full light of the moon. That

day at night time, he went to the tavern and he

Met the young Cossack lieutenant. The lieutenant

had asked him to go to the cemetery path and stick a saber in

the ground and the lieutenant will give him 5 golden rubles. Ivan decided and he went to the

cemetery. Before that, the lieutenant gave Ivan the saber and

he went.

He found a pathway which led him where he has

to go. It was a winter night and it was a blizzard

outside. Ivan stopped where he had to put the saber into the ground. He was

wearing a long, thick coat which was helping him to stay warm. Once he stuck the saber
into the ground, he tried to stand up but he couldn't  because of his long thick coat
which held him down with the saber. he was like that all the blizzard night.

They found Ivan, next morning, on the ground in

front of the tomb that was in the center of the cemetery. His face was not that of a frozen

man’s, but of a man killed by some nameless horror. And the lieutenant’s saber was in

ground where Ivan had pounded it , through the dragging folds of his long coat. And that's

how it ended. Thank you.

Peer Pressures

 Health: PeerPressure Negative/Positive)

Peer Pressures

In Health we are learning about peer pressures. Their are two types of peer pressures. The two peer pressures we are learning about are Negative and Positive Peer pressures.
Peer pressures  are a role in the social of kids. The influence of pressures begins at an early age and becomes a habit through the older years. It is a natural and important for kids to have and rely on friends as they grow up with these pressures. Peer pressures for little kids would be positive and for teenagers it would be a negative pressure.

An example of a negative peer pressure is your peers asking you to steal something. An example of a positive peer pressure is your friends asking you to tryout for a sports team. There are ways to avoid negative peer pressure.  To avoid negative peer pressure you are most likely to walk away from them or tell an adult. If it occurs at school you can tell a teacher or an e.a. Other ways to avoid it is also to tell them that you aren't going to do it even thou they force you into it, can call 911 depending on how serious what they are leading you into and also to defend your self if they start holding you down, I don't recommend to punch or kick them..